seeking greener grass

part of my history

Saturday, March 23, 2002


-"sebuah pertanyaan untuk cinta" SGA (hmm...gwe koq jadi ngoleksi seno gini)

-"cerita dari digul" suntingan Pramoedya Ananta Toer

-"teori sastra abad dua puluh"

-"cerita2 dari buenos aires" terjemahan Anton Kurnia

-new djakarta mag

-new trolley mag


-the rp 193,000 danzig trilogy by gunter grass in qb pondok indah

Thursday, March 21, 2002

kun dun, a story of the 14th dalai lama, directed by martin scorcese

i always admire people against non-violence, although in a sense that it's a way to resist. people such as the dalai lama or mahatma gandhi for example, gandhi had died, the dalai lama still alive but haven't got back to tibet.

somehow watching the movie above, just made myself think on how many violence is there in existence until this moment. not even in the last 24 hours, i watch one in front of my eyes. i was trying to go to pasar minggu last afternoon, i could not decide whether i'll catch a taxi there or a metromini bus instead. i saw no taxi(cheap ones i mean, the one with an old tariff on), so i jump off this metromini to pasar minggu. just around the corner around 5 minutes after that, the metromini accidently bump it's back body to this another metromini. a few seconds later i hear shoutings outside and saw other passenger in a terrified look. it didn't really click to me what the next thing will happen, until the passenger quickly all stand up and went outside the bus. i was one of the last three passenger to go out from the vehicle. i just manage to be in the back stairs of the bus, untill the back glasses was smash with a wrench. i felt broken pieces of glasses falling thru me but i manage to cover myself, although i felt the skin near my nose got a burning sense. i check on my nose, no blood, so i'm okay. i went outside the bus, i saw this other driver carrying a stick i think it was wrench or something and yelling in madness. people just watched, i myself watched for a little while with my pulse run high. i somehow felt suprise, not fear, but helpless because i couldn't really do anything. i felt really small when i turn my back and catch a taxi to agung's place in pasar minggu.

so really i asked myself since last afternoon, what can we do with violence? not just in that incident of metromini but in all aspects in life and around the world. stop it? stop it how? my thoughts had some relievements after i watch "kun dun", i guess it's not today, not instantly tomorrow, but someday things will get better, with the hope still burning high.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

got a very weird dream, it was very very weird, it's like a movie of sumthin maybe because of watching a dreamy, mind playing movie. i just watched vanilla sky with alia yesterday and she congratulated me for not falling pregnant. bought some new books:

-"iblis tak pernah mati" SGA

-"sepotong senja untuk pacarku" SGA

-"saksi mata"SGA

-"zaman gemilang"Matu Mona

-"soe hoek gie, biographi"John Maxwell

-"sagra"Oka rusmini

-"parmin"Jujur Prananto

got my first salary and making a book for qq's bday.

Friday, March 08, 2002

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and to be loved in return"-moulin rouge

+gwe nangis liat endingnya, mak, nyelekit banget pas si satine meninggal sedih bener deh, gwe koq suka kaga kuat yah klo ngedenger cowoq nangis...sedih banget klo denger seorang laki-laki itu nangis.

"Laki-laki tu same kaye anjing! jangan kate bunting, tai juge doyan!"cabaukan

+filemnya rada ngebingungin klo belom pernah baca novelnya, sutradaranya agak "maksain" sesuai dengan novel, tapi hasilnya malah fragmen2 yang kaga nyambung. kualitas gambarnya cukup bagus, tetapi naskahnya masih lemah banget. temanya padahal asik untuk digali. gwe nonton malah jadi banyakan nyariin bloopersnya dan bloopersnya tuh aneh2, ada yg seharusnya udah mati tapi masih bisa napas truz pas bagian si tinung jadi jugun ianfu koq bicycle pantsnya malah keliatan yah? udah gitu adegan ini kaga dramatis en kaga nyentuh, padahal pas baca ati gwe dah keiris2. ada beberapa aktris yg tampil bagus, sayangnya bukan leading artisnya. yg keren disitu maennya tuh lulu damayanti jadi saodah truz si tan pen liang (tangerang), lucu abis tuh org, hehehhe, swearingnya kasar banget, sunda lagi, dan gwe ngerti makanya gwe tawa2 mulu dengenrnya. yah, nice try sih moga2 in the future mistakes can be learn.

"Hah, Mamet ketinggalan di airport?"-ada apa dengan cinta

+asli nih filem berhasil deh, bener2 fresh start for the rise of indonesian local films. skenarionya mateng, aktingnya juga bagus semua. gwe suka banget, gwe malah pas endingnya eh gwe koq jadi terharu yah, kebawa gitu, hehehe sial. pengambilan gambarnya juga top, dan another point, kemaren nicholas saputra juga maen ke kantor, hehehhe, en emang mukanya rada kaga berekspresi. rangga abis, dan man, i love the poems in the movie. lagu2nya juga pas banget ama filemnya:)

i'm travelling to bandung again tomorrow, finish my first week in gadis, preparing for the discussion schedule in bandung and also the fixed one in jakarta. so tired.......i just done a fragmen of writing, hope it will start something...