i had found my grass
this blog had reach its end of history and i'm moving everything to here:
the tale of nomads
and walking around in here:
perjalanan jauh
thks everyone. enjoy:)
part of my history
this blog had reach its end of history and i'm moving everything to here:
being back at my parents house for any reason was a mistake. i thought i had taken things lightly, but NOT. the fact is that it's very hard for me to live with this family ever again. i've been away too long. changing too much. i'm not the 15 year old girl who walk out from this house with those 2 luggages. i'm just not that person anymore. no one seems to understand it in this house. with the event of my mother passing away, things just going depressive. this house is depressive. i'm just not going to dwell into it. this situation is going to where everybody just need to take care of themselves. deal with it and survive. not putting any burden to anyone for all they care. i guess i had lost my sympathy for any form of lost. cause i had taken back all my feelings for everything too long. for i haven't even grieve for my myself.
for this sad house, silence just what i have to do. and leave. far far away.
it's hard to go back and try to stay from where you had been very far away. very very lost with the surrounding situation. things are getting sentimental and emotional. for a lone wanderer. home seems not exist there anymore. more within heart. more within people you love and the ones that trully understand you. not a place nor buildings. i had lost it. the roots where i had cut it myself. those all sickening line of histories. written and not to be forgotten. marking lives with its own tragedies. i had enough.
introducing: gabo (my new macbook)
i had drop everything. everything. i had to take a flight to jakarta in the 7th morning. both of my parents are hospitalized. my mother with her complication after her 2nd chemotherapy. my father who are vomitting blood that morning. he was in icu when i got there. my mother condition are not looking good either (seems to be declining to be honest).
i tried to finish half of the family problem decently and of course in some civilized vulgar manner of talk with my grandma. i always think family matters can be as silly as they are. full of scandals that even doesn't suprise me (this thing is good for a novel of course, haha).