seeking greener grass

part of my history

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

different religions in relationship

why do people always make it such a big deal

what's wrong with it?

why is it always taken so negatively

i don't believe in religion in the first place

i need some rest

i want to take some things off from my mind, too much to take and i'm getting really sick of it.

i miss zam...(not that way)

miss his writings and his online activity

how's his umptn going?

Tuesday, June 26, 2001

tired ass, just finish a new layout for my other blog.

blah, it took me 2 nights to do it...

it's kinda red and yeah the box is a little small don't you think?

Saturday, June 23, 2001

for me baby, you are the only person that i would like to share everything, anything. i don't care where, why and how.

Friday, June 22, 2001

the lost honour of katharina blum - heinrich boll


i just finish this book straight off today. this book made me to think all the remarks on people lives caused by the misintepreting events by the media. katharina blum in this case was one. everything was looking good in her lives until she fall in love with someone radical, ludwig gotten. the media, mention here as the "news" had its own interpretation on her situation. making things as a big scandal. it's not only affecting her lives but also the people that care and close to her. katharina was pushed into such supressing situation that led into her to shot dead the "news" journalist. ironic huh? it also reminds me with the quote on madame dasima "to fall in love with someone you are not supposed to". can love be so wrong?

i broke up last nite

religions matter shits

not for long though

but things are allrite now, i hope...

Thursday, June 21, 2001

i don't expect you to understand me as i don't understand it myself. i'm sorry but leave me alone!

thou you should not care as everything is...

Wednesday, June 20, 2001

i did togap's blog layout, and then the next day i was craving for cappucino. the nite i can't sleep...

i change the layout...again...

adi and me

adi my best friend

he's going to state soon...

Monday, June 18, 2001

new books:

::the master and the margarita - mikhail bulgakov

written under stalin's darkest regime...very interesting book.

umm i suppose to study for my russian history cognitive test...but...heheheh this books is more tempting. i saw the last moyan book today...mas eka said it's good. don't have more money:(

Sunday, June 17, 2001

i hate u, i miss u...

Saturday, June 16, 2001

one hundred years of solitude - gabriel garcia marquez


i'm still rather blown up with the story. one hundreds year or solitude, the story of macondo and the family of buendia. one of the greatest marquez writing of the last century. such a tale and the tragic disturbances that took affect on each of the character's solidatary. marquez writing has always had its intense narrative that had me stuck on the storyline.

this novel might confuses a little as the character uses the names repeatedly, but it's one hell good tale to read. i suggest that you read it through and finish it off. have a wander solidatary moment to absorb it all.

then i stare, i bare covering the crazyiness prints...

Friday, June 15, 2001

i want to buy more books:(

hikss.....i'm broke:(

i have been sleeping for the last 24 hours. i got a very bad headache yesterday afternoon, i decide to sleep regarding i gotta be well for today's history exam. i felt like i'm drunk or something, don't feel to good lately. the wheater? hmm, might...what i know is i have less stress coz i finish my exam:P

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

why babies? mothers?

i'm not to sure myself what's the main reason i put up this layout. i guess i'm trying to portray life, fragments by fragments. beside i'm trying to put away my trauma of watching a birth labour in the sex education class. i'm still feeling sick now when i remembering it, i can't get over it.

i would like to dedicated this layout, for all mothers. who have given birth, nurture and care us so much. who introduce the first touch of love to our life. i love you, mom.

Tuesday, June 12, 2001

love is undescriptive

i don't know if i pass my math's exam or not:(, dammit how am i suppose to study for my calculus tomorrow's going to be harder...i feel so bad...

i need a shower...

Monday, June 11, 2001

like a cold summer afternoon

like the snow coming down in june

like a wedding without a groom

i'm missing u...

i'm the desert without the sand

i'm the one without a band

i'm a ring without a hand

i'm missing u...

-case, missing u-

notebooks of don rigoberto - mario vargas llosa


this book is very witty and quiet brings out your wild imagination. crushing all the border that existed. it's like dreaming a dream, reading it pages by pages. the humour is hilarious. the critics that the books trying to deliver is sharp. the fantasy, what can i say about this part, very enjoyable;)

don rigoberto is one unique character. i also found in this book some details that i didn't know about egon schiele (the expressionist artist).

i done my english exam today, i have another three more this week. tomorrow is applicable math, wednesday is calculus and friday would be history. i guess i'll be fine untill i finish wednesday. i hope i'm passing, i'm doing my best i can, though i know i'm using more left brain then the right brain. lately i've been abandoning my right brain.

Wednesday, June 06, 2001

goodbye satu, i'm really going to miss u...

i'm sorry i can't make it to the airport and all that, i want to meet u again someday maybe in findland or even back in indonesia. come to my wedding i said (if i would have it later:P). come to europe you said. i will, we said and dreams, i want to see russia and you can be my tour guide. i'll show you my beloved country if you come to indonesia. we'll take turn my friend, to accomplish our own dreams.

shear said:

`bout that email, ...

take a deep breath. And let it go. If u think u must say sorry, then do it

calmly. If u must start to confess, so go on.

But if u have millions reason to defend yourself, then no doubt put your

feet down, and let them know what they should hear.

about taufiq, i guess i should...sometimes i found it difficult to discuss this topic to my parents.

Monday, June 04, 2001

i can't do anything. i can't do anything right now. i felt completely miserable...