seeking greener grass

part of my history

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

a slow internet line can be fucking annoying in a weird afternoon when you feel that you're not finishing your job lately. or you're busy with something and things seems like not in the end of the pile. like my mobile with your charger and still have not enough time to fill in the energy for it.

we're the restless generation that always seems to look tired and drained. every end of the day. some people say it as a slavery under a modern fascist construction. but i love my work somehow in some love-hate relationship that we often have with things in life. sooo very less sleep lately and the weather are playing around like hell.

it's nearly 6 in the afternoon and my list of jobs for the end of week just adding in number need to be finish.

padahal pengen masak, pacaran dan senang-senang di coffeshop ato angkringan, hhhh...


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