seeking greener grass

part of my history

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

just rain everyday!

it's so cold outside. vero slept over last nite at my house. we spent time before that at lorkali lounge. we had a really long talk. about things.

on loyalty and disloyalty. on some impossible marriage. on concept strange for us. of our time and generation. on yeah of course: guys beside work.

i just have one big question: how come u expect loyalty when there's no guarantee and full of disloyalty (speaking on K and me absurd relationship)?

we continue it at my house until i dunno wat hour.

i spent this afternoon with abi at bonbin. K was there, watching me somehow i felt. i miss him already. FARK! but then he left. abi and i went to snap cafe. talk and talk. meet my lovely jenggot there. kangen, lama ga ketemu dan mabuk2an. anyway, i was tired and spend this rest of nite in front of the computer, chatting with bessy. i might go to rembang. dunno when though.


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