seeking greener grass

part of my history

Thursday, November 01, 2001

the morning assembly yesterday was quiet magnificent, it turn out to be one of the best assembly ever. i can't believe how we put this show all together, i'll put some pictures up later in my site on my graduation day. my friend ben was shocking, he dress up as a drag queen though i must admit he look like a sexy drag *mwahahah*:D

the graduation nite in murdoch university auditorium was also fine. people is hugging here and there, yes farewell. though 3/4 of the people i still meet at the beach late after. stay at the beach till 2 AM. it was pretty windy and cold, though the full moon shine perfectly. within the star and the waves beyond reach, last time we're together. beforehand though we nearly got caught by the cops, hehehe, reminds me with "the fast and furious".

goodbye friends, it have been a long 3 years. thank you for everything.


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