i'm counting my days at fourteen minutes past midnight...
then i realize something that i never reveal what i really do in my daily life. hmm let see, what i really i did today. i woke up around 7.30, fell asleept for another half an hour. lazily get off from the bed, wash my face change my clothes. had breakfast, tie my shoes and walk to school. i done that in 30 minutes too, i did my routine so quick sometimes and i didn't even feel it one single bit. a sunny wednesday morning and the winter wind was pretty chilly, i left both hands in my jacket's pocket.
school, hmm i notice that i never really wear a proper uniform this past 3 years of high schools (my school is public, so we can bend the rules here and there:P) i wear my sandals even, all the way on summer, spring, half of autumn but not in winter. my schoolies-mate thought i'm a little crazy sometimes. i guess i just can't get off with my "sandal-jepit" habit though i've been in australia for the last three years.
first period was computer (playing with corel draw, i want to get this install in my computer :((( ), then free study period (read allende's book) - recess (eat an apple, visit ed's crew, aren't they frozen to sit up there where the wind keep buzzing around) - period four was a talk about tafe courses, then english (teacher's away, me back with allende's book) - lunch (eat muffin, share natalia some and had a chat with her, i never chat with her until this year. she's a funny girl. last 10 minutes of lunch, read allende again). last double period , ART!!! miss totten was back, she catches the flu on sunday. then i ask her some opinion about my "adonis" sculpture, i gotta finish this in the next two weeks and prepare my portfolio in the same time. i'm half way with this, i just gotta do the face details and stuff. towards the end of high school years, we are doing a mural project for the school, i'm still wondering where we should put it? 3pm, the bell rang and walk back home...
next saturday i'm booking my ticket plane, a flight home, for good. it will be probably around 20th of november. after graduation and exams. it will end there.
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