seeking greener grass

part of my history

Thursday, July 26, 2001

megawati is the president and hamzah haz is the vice president of indonesia now.

there's no riot or any bloodshed for the time being but looking on things it doesn't seem to be good. i'm not to sure, i gotta look for the next 3-5 months. what i know is the "orba" seems to spread its influence again. this time it is really obvious, seeing most of the ex orba people are is sitting in the parlianment. i'm rather pessimistic especially with military and the ex-soeharto's cronies on the side of the government.

small terror had already begin at the "leftist" activist. i heard that they already set as a target operation. a judge was shot till death today in jakarta, he's the one handling tommy soeharto's case. i also heard that in east java the kodim and korem already forbid "ceramah", meetings, even the NU's kiai-s (who strongly supporting gus dur) had been forbidded to do their clergy(ceramah jum'atan). hmm, rumors says that megawati will establish the "departemen penerangan" back. i hope this is untrue. if that happen, i'm afraid indonesia is going to be behind so many hundreds of years...


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